This is a registration form to take the 'Baptismal Class' if you have taken the class within the last 2 years you do not need to fill out the form below. If you have already taken the class and need to set a date for your child's baptism you will need to call the church office and schedule a meeting with
Fr. Grant Spinhirne
The only person able to set a baptismal date is Fr. Grant Spinhirne
Baptism Class
Baptism class will be held the last Thursday of every month, at 6:30 pm at St. Anthony's School you must be registered 3 days before the class begins. A few things are needed in order to get your child Baptised, the child's birth certificate (state birth certificate), parents, and godparents must be in good standing with the church. If the Godparents are not members of St. Anthony's church, a letter must be sent to St. Anthony's church stating both godparents are members of the Catholic church and are in good standing with the church. If you have any questions please contact, Emily Marnell, RCIA & DRE director, 806-364-6150 ext. 126
NOTE: This is the Baptism Class registration form, NOT a form to meet with Fr. Grant. If you have taken the Baptism Class and are ready to meet with Fr. Grant to set a date for the baptism, please call Monica at the church office, at 364-6150.