Baptism is the first of seven sacraments and the way in which a person becomes a member of the Catholic church baptismal
Baptismal Policy
St. Anthony’s Catholic Church, Hereford, TX
Baptism is the sacrament by which we enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. Baptism also removes all stain of original sin. Baptism is the gate by which we enter into eternal life, therefore it is of the utmost importance that we care for and administer this sacrament readily and worthily.
The Sacraments cannot be refused to any person of goodwill asking for them; however, they can be delayed to ensure that those seeking the sacraments know and understand what they are asking for and the responsibilities that they require.
In order to ask for the sacrament of Baptism for a child under the age of seven (7), which is the age of reason, the parents of the child:
MUST attend the weekly Celebration of the Eucharist for four (4) months prior to being allowed to schedule the Baptism. The reason for this is simple; the parents are the first and best teachers of the faith. If the parents of the Child do not participate in their faith, there is no reasonable hope that the child will either.
Be registered members of St. Anthony’s Catholic Church, Hereford, TX
Attend Baptismal Class
The Selected Godparents (padrinos) must be:
practicing Catholics
in good standing with the Church
16 years of age or older
Attend Baptismal Class
What does it mean to be in “good standing with the Church?” This means simply that the Godparents live their faith to the fullest that they are able. It also means:
If the Godparents is married they are married in the Church
The Godparents goes to Mass regularly and partakes of the Sacraments
The Godparent is an example of Christian living that you child can pattern their lives on
St. Anthony’s Catholic Church, Hereford, TX DOES NOT offer the sacraments to members of other parishes without the written permission of that parish’s pastor. There are no exceptions.
The Sacrament of Baptism will be normally celebrated at the Sunday Celebration of the Eucharist on the third (3rd) Sunday of each month unless this conflicts with Holy Week or Christmas.